In-depth conversation on the ‘Fit for 55’ package

Fit For 55

Online meeting with the expert Dr Gregor Erbach, Head of the Climate Action and Tracking Service, EPRS

Thursday September 8th, 3pm – 4pm

The Fit for 55 package is a legislative proposal of 13 interlinked measures aimed at enhancing existing and creating new ones to implement the Green Deal allowing the EU to reach climate neutrality by 2050, starting with reducing its GHG emissions by 55% by 2030.

The European Commission presented the package in 2021, more information can be found here.

All co-legislators are now discussing these proposals together (trialogues) to finalize them. The topics discussed include the social climate fund, the effort sharing regulation, changes to the land use and forestry regulation and more. To better understand what is at stake, we have asked Dr Gregor Erbach, Head of the Climate Action and Tracking Service of the European Parliamentary Research Service to present the package to us as we strengthen our resolve to listen to the voice of Creation in this Season of Creation 2022.

Register here for this event.