Eco Advocacy – Energetic Community

Eco Advocacy – Laudato Si’ Reflection Day 2022

On May 17th ELSiA has organized the 5th Reflection Day aimed to furthering the message of the encyclical Laudato Si’, stimulate timely debates and deepening the appreciation of the depths of its multifaceted relevance.

All information can be found at the dedicated website

You can watch the event at the following links:

Opening Remarks by Cardinal Hollerich; Session 1: Environmental Movements yesterday and today – an intergenerational dialogue; Session 2A: Fast fashion vs Sustainable Fashion; Session 2B: Biodiversity; Session 2C: Fast Food vs Sustainable Food Production; Session 3: Young People Lead The Change; Session 4: Can the ecological transition deliver a better and sustainable future for all?

Our letter to EU leaders for COP26

In November 2021, after being postponed by one year, due to the pandemic, the Conference of the parties of the UNFCCC met for the 26th time in Glasgow. Countries meet to discuss and agree important actions to curb CO2 emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. ELSiA has sent a letter to EU authorities that took part in the negotiations. Read the letter here.

ELSiA and the Ecclesial Network Alliance for Integral Ecology

Together with REPAM (Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network), the Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin (REBAC), the Asia and Oceania region (RAOEN – Ecclesial Network of the River on the Ocean), Mesoamerica (REMAM), the Gran Chaco and the territory of the Guarani Aquifer, emerging networks in North America (Canada and the United States) and with the support of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute (LSRI) we are the Ecclesial Network Alliance for Integral Ecology (ENA).

On the occasion of COP26, we prepared a document to  “set a position and make an ethical appeal to those who will make decisions gathered in Glasgow”, hopeful that the decisions taken by international leaders can help ‘change course’ and undertake a true transition towards a system of sustainable, fraternal and supportive human coexistence”. Read the full document in English here.

Laudato Si’ Reflection Day 2021: “The dream, the plan, the path”

More than 100 people from all corners of the world attended the fourth Laudato Si’ Reflection Day, this year held online. Speakers offered inspiring reflections followed by exchanges with the audience on long-term thinking, the role of the Church and local communities, building on the long-lasting impacts of the encyclical Laudato SI’. 

Participants were welcomed by H.E. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J., the archbishop of Luxemburg, President of COMECE and Honorary President of the European Laudato Si’ Alliance (ELSiA). In his opening remarks, he referred to the multifaceted crisis we are going through and how we can be the change and the dream we want to live. He reminded the audience that we can co-create a new path for humanity and be a “planetary community” that lives in harmony.

Notable speakers included philosopher Roman Krznaric, member of the European Parliament Tomas Zdechovsky, Dominika Chylewska from Caritas Poland (Caritas Laudato Si’ initiative), Br. Dr. Bernd Beermann OFMCap from Iunctus, Fr. Augusto Zampini, former adjunct secretary of the Vatican Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development and Angelo Salsi, Head of Unit at CINEA and responsible for the LIFE Program Nature and Circular economy. Watch the full video here .