“Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another”.

(Laudato Si’, 42)

The European Laudato Si’ Alliance (ELSiA) is a network of Catholic organisations working together to bring the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ to life. Founded in 2019, it is currently composed by seven members. They are: Caritas Europa, CIDSE, COMECE, Don Bosco International, JESC, Justice and Peace Europe and the Laudato Si’ Movement. ELSiA intends to promote ecological justice and the social teaching of the Church as a shared and coordinated commitment of Catholic Alliances.

ELSIA Organisations

Caritas Europa
J&P Europe
Don Bosco

ELSiA embraces the interconnectedness of all beings and the planet. We search for and promote ways to uphold human dignity and flourishing environmental systems. To do so, we propose a three-pronged approach: coordinating Laudato Si’ advocacy towards European institutions (eco-advocacy), promoting the exchange of ideas and best practices characterizing a sustainable lifestyle (eco-praxis) and becoming a European laboratory for the spirituality of ecological conversion (eco-spirituality).

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“Water – too much, too little”

1-2 October 2024Chapel for Europe, Rue Van Maerlant, 1040 Brussels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIH9A1i3pGc Part 1 https://youtu.be/EV83ahP7tS4?si=zOx_tjyluZ0eM__o Part 2 Climate change increases the intensity of weather phenomena. This is most evident in the…

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